HARM NONE: Chapter Six-

Riddick sat in Paris' chair, drinking his alcohol and watched the scene before him play out. He watched as Zeke shot the stranger in the head. 'Hmmm...thats means he'll have to dig another hole. I wonder what that cute little white girl wants. She's got a nice body. Bet she knows how to use it too. In more ways than one. Muscular for a woman. No doubt she works out. Doesn't use the damn metabolism controls and dietary supplements like all these other fat lazy humans. Thats a true body. Probably knows how to fight. She's got the grace. Moves good. Love that ass. And those tits. Damn! Better stop thinking bout that fore I get a hard on the size of Johns' ego. Pretty smart though. Know she obviously knew where I was in that boneyard. Fucking brave. Wasn't even scared of me. Not even when I had my shiv to her throat. A throat I'd love to run my teeth over. maybe when I get some time alone i can explore her assesses more.' Riddick watched as Zeke dragged the sled with the stranger mans body on it to its grave. Then he followed Zeke. Hiding behind the pentacles.

Harm was running back to the crash site even before she heard the gun shots. There he was. She spotted Riddick adn ran to his side. He knew it was her. He knew her scent. 'Now how did she get back here so fast? She had to have been running before those shots were fired. Obviously somethins up.' Riddick thought not even looking at her. Harm looked down at what was left of Zeke. Blood was splashed all over the entrance to the tunnel. "Damn I didn't get here in time. Wonder how many more of us'll survive." Harm hadn't realized she'd said that outloud till Riddick finally looked up at her. "Run Riddick. Johns is comin. No doubt he's already here." Thats when Shazza lifted the tarp and spotted the two. Riddick turned around slowly and looked at Harm. Then he took off running. Harm didn't know what Shazza was thinking. Did she figure Harm was working with Riddick? What? At the moment it didn't matter. Harm knew what was about to happen. She knew Johns was about to recapture Riddick. Only question is should she let it play out. 'Guess I'll just have to find out.' Harm thought as she began running after Riddick. Shazza was following behind her. By the time Harm reached Riddick Johns already had him on the ground beating him.
"No."Harm whispered. Then she watched as Shazza joined in . "No! Leave him alone! Stop! Fry get Shazza away!" As Harm said this Fry started pulling Shazza backwards away from Riddick. Harm went after Johns but it as useless. Harm watched as Shazza gave Riddick a good kick to the head. Knocking him unconscious.

"That girls a bit strange to me. You know. The cute on with the silver hair and that eyebrow ring." Johns said to Fry outside the wrecked HG.
"Harm." Fry exclaimed letting Johns know who he was referriing to.
"Harm. Thats her name? Her real name? Damn now I really think somethings up with her. Someone with that kinda name can only be trouble."
"What makes you think she's trouble? Its not the name I know that."
"There's somethin bout her. A feelin I got."
"This feeling wouldn't happen to be in your pants would it?" Fry said incredulously. She knew Harm was a beautiful young girl and she didn't want Harm to have to go through the same shit she herself had gone through in life. Johns just passed the comment by.
"When I woke up from cryo I saw her standin there in front of Riddick's chamber. Just lookin at him. Then there was that little act with Owens. What kinda sweet innocent kid can do that and not feel a bit of remorse? And in the boneyard. She was right behind me then suddenly she wasnt there. I didn't buy that exploring crap. And of course when she took off runnin back here before Zeke got it. Shazza said the girl was standin there not one foot away from Riddick. Then she was trying to keep us away from Big Evil"
"She was trying to keep you from beating the shit outta him." Fry broke in.
"It just doesn't add up. She's too quiet. Does't talk to nobody. Hell we dont even know her last name. Much less like we wanna know her first one. It all just adds up to a shitload of trouble."
"What are you saying Johns? Just cause she's quiet, likes to keep to herself and does things that you don't think are normal shes not a good person? Whats your point?"
"My point, Carolyn, is I think the little bitch and Riddick got something goin. Can't prove it and dont know what it is but I got a feelin and it aint good."
Fry thought for awhile on this. Sure she figured Harm was a bit weird somehow but what was in it for her if she was hooked up with Riddick? It just doesnt make sense. Fry looked over at Johns and noticed him looking around, concentrating on something. "Whats wrong now Johns?"
"Well speaking of Harm, where is the little angel?"

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